The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92210   Message #1761539
Posted By: The Borchester Echo
16-Jun-06 - 12:50 PM
Thread Name: Review: World music - a white middle class fraud
Subject: RE: Review: World music - a white middle class fraud
countess richard states unequivocally that American bluegrass music is NOT world music, but English traditional music IS world music

I didn't say anything about English trad though I do believe that England is, belatedly in comparison to say Scotland and Ireland, joining the world, as borne out by appearances at WOMAD and WOMEX by some of our fniest musicians such as Bellowhead, EAC and Eliza Carthy band. As for bluegrass, I said I could see no need to include this hybrid, commercialised genre with no true sense of roots, place or community it in the 'world' rack in music shops as an eponymous one undoubtedly already existed. Other local or regional American musics such as blues, Cajun, conjunto, Appalachian or musics of immigrant communities clearly would, however, fall under the 'world' banner.

As for Mr Shamble's wholesale condemnation of students on the Newcastle tradmus degree as 'middle-class' with rich parents, he is clearly unaware of one I know who supports herself with three jobs because she has no family to speak of (and not of 'travelling' stock anyway) and receives no financial support whatsoever. She's there because she loves the music and is extremely talented. She may be one of the few who actually makes it out there as a performer as many of the others I know are fully aware that the industry is unlikely to be able to support jobs in it for more than a few. The vast majority of schooleavers nowadays go on to some form of higher education as otherwise they would be unlikely to find any sort of work. The Newcastle students know how fortunate they are to be doing their degrees in a field they love. Doubtless, they'd all be singing, dancing and playing anyway but the important thing is that they are doing it.