The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3488   Message #17618
Posted By: Sir
15-Dec-97 - 07:00 PM
Thread Name: Favorite Instruments ? ? ?
Subject: RE: Favorite Instruments ? ? ?
Hey, no one's mentioned a tuba! I have 2 (an EFlat and a BBFlat 4 valve), two trombones (a Conn and a Bach Stradivarius), a BoseyHawkes flugelhorn, an old Bflat trumpet with an a trigger, a civil war era trumpet, a chrome cornet that is old but I'm not sure how old, a fife reputed to be from the civil war era, a Yamaha 12 String, recorders from sopranino to tenor, a Hammer Dulcimer and a celtic harp (I made both made from kits), a violin, 2 clarinets, a McSpadden mountain dulcimer, a piano, an autoharp, a kalimba, and a steel drum. As with favorite types of music I'm not sure which instrument is my favorite. Probably the one I'm workin' on at the time.