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Thread #92266   Message #1762451
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish
17-Jun-06 - 06:26 PM
Thread Name: BBC Radio 2 Boards And Music Racism
Subject: RE: BBC Radio 2 Boards And Music Racism
I think the North East has a far stronger sense of identity than most other regions in the country. And to overlook you like that....makes me fair seethe! But then...I'm doing a lot of that lately I'm afraid.

From Jon:


First of all Jon, I have posted very little about Show of Hands on the new BBC boards which have been up and running for over a year now. And the *only* reason that the whole Show of Hands thing started in the first place was that from the very first day I arrived on that board all hell broke loose about them, apparently because I DARED to talk positively about Steve and Phil...and EXACTLY the same thing is now happening on the Music Club is uncanny!

Secondly, despite a few hurtful posts over there from you Jon, particularly lately, I have, not once *ever* behaved in such a manner to you. Perhaps you'd care to think on that, before posting any more words like the ones above, however it is your freedom to think of me in whatever way that seems to make you happy.

As far as your words 'pissing people off' go, I'll just say that I have always written, and will continue to write, in the way that I have a right to and that is, the way which is entirely natural to me. I will *never* write as others tell me to, nor will I write ONLY about the subjects or artists you or your friends so desire or deem to be 'acceptable'

And, if you care to remember I started a thread where I quite openly listed and admitted to the names that I had, just before Mel let me back on under my original name. Don't you remember? Surely you do....Naughty Lizzie, Show of Hands Susie, Elsie (LC)....and for your information anyone can change their 'nickname' at anytime on the BBC board these days, it is on the screen each time you post. Mind you, they've fixed mine now...ever since I changed my name to 'Thegirltheycouldn'thang' after those two weeks of unadulterated bullying that went on.

I am my own person and I refuse to be turned into a Stepford Wife by a few fiercely controlling people who inhabit messageboards! And if that is, to use your words again, 'pissing people off' well.....Hard Luck!

Anyway, this is not about me, it is about whether folk music should be spoken about freely and openly on all BBC boards, and in all places.

Oh..and Eric, many thanks for your kind words.
