The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92014   Message #1762701
Posted By: Divis Sweeney
18-Jun-06 - 07:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: Ageism on mudcat
Subject: RE: BS: Ageism on mudcat
Keith if you have anything to say, say it. I have neither time or interest to play games with you. All I see is half assed remarks by you saying I am posting under another name.

I stopped posting to last the thread you started because guest vistors strung you along and you foolishy answered them. Then in that half assed fashion that lacks backbone, you try to say it was me posting under guest !

Keith I have been in touch with you many times by pm over the last year and gave many explanations to things you requested.

Be assured Keith I don't have any back doors, If I have anything to say to you I will say it.

I have received a number of pm's from other members Keith regarding you. As to my own personal opinion of you, I have made a great error of judgement as I once considered you as a friend.

Go take a long hard look at yourself and try to get over any hang up you have concerning the Irish. Sadly it has been said by so many that you lost credibility on your last thread. In my opinion You were once a fine member of the mudcat forum.

People know me Keith, they admire my conviction to Republicanism and know I do not need to hide behind guest posts as a weak man does, yes Keith a weak man.