The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17789   Message #176293
Posted By: Amos
10-Feb-00 - 03:31 PM
Thread Name: current tavern number is 21
Subject: RE: current tavern number is 21
Outside in the night, a full moon casts a passionate pearl glow over the land and the highway, curving in to the distance, appears to beckon the traveler to newer, kinder adventures. Down the far road a huge stretch limo appears with several cases of Moon Pies and RC cola lodged in the front seat next to the chauffeur. The limo is covered in mink fur from volunteer minks, who have been bewitched by TGG, the passenger of the limo. What is happening inside cannot be guessed, for the windows are darkened for privacy as the limo slowly and graciously consumes the miles between itand the Mudcat Tavern (Branch 21).