The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92266   Message #1763611
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish
19-Jun-06 - 09:11 AM
Thread Name: BBC Radio 2 Boards And Music Racism
Subject: RE: BBC Radio 2 Boards And Music Racism
Apologies to folks for this, but it has to be said:

Lordy, I do hope so Fiona!

And er...Vinnie already has some dates booked up for next year. He's hoping to come and live over here, actually. The reason being? He is desperate to get his message spread, as are very many people in this world Fiona, and that message is that we all need to change.

If you took the trouble to look a little deeper you would find song after song of his that deals with our children, drug addicts, corruption, apathy, racism!

Steve over at The Acoustic Stage, was so impressed that he got Vinnie's music over almost immediately, take a look. He's hopefully playing at Otterton Mill, down the road from Sidmouth next year, as once more, the man who runs it was deeply impressed. I'm sure he will have many other offers coming in too. I certainly hope so.

You have, in my opinion, a very deeply suspicious mind Fiona. It is what has twisted your view of me and given you the zeal to try and twist the views of others.

Before you go round messageboards slagging people off I'd suggest you find out a bit more about them first!

And I presume YOU have asked the BBC to remove a post of mine then, where I brought up the fact that Vinnie has the passion of Springsteen mixed with the compassion of Martin Luther King? Shame on you! Absolute SHAME! Because that is exactly what he is about Fiona! Although HOW Vinnie aims to turn people's views around when people such as yourself malign him in that way....I've no idea...but I'll tell you something...he won't give up, no matter what you decide to throw at him! Vinnie going to become the new 'hate figure' in your campaign....or do I still feature as No 1!

I wish you well in your twisted, mixed-up world....but do not bring it to my door again!

And talk not to me of racism!!!! I may be the same colour as you, I may not, but your's and others attitudes to me is exactly the same thing!

"You are not one of us"
"You do not belong here"
"You are a troll"
"You are lower than the lowest form of human"
"We do not want to hear what you have to say"
"We do not want to hear your music"
"We do not want you"

SHAMEFUL....yet...DEEPLY illuminating!

Racisim is about hatred and fear. It is about one form of people deciding they are better than others. And one 'tribe' of people being fearful of others. It is about darkly dominating things, that should never be, but sadly is all around us present...for many is getting worse!!!!

And the VERY PEOPLE who are writing about it, who have experienced it first hand and who are trying to make a difference are the VERY PEOPLE whom you choose to DAMN!!!

Look into your soul 'Fiona' *whoever* you may be!   

And look DEEP!
