The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92353   Message #1764067
Posted By: Sandy Mc Lean
19-Jun-06 - 06:25 PM
Thread Name: Canadian disaster songs: research project
Subject: Lyr Add: WESTRAY REMEMBERED (A. McLean)
Hi from Cape Breton Marion,^^
This is one that I have written.

(A. McLean)
May 9, 1992.................5:18 am

Listen to me, friends, and a sad tale I'll tell
How a mighty explosion rose up straight from Hell
And swept through a coal mine as it passed on its way
And 26 men died down in Westray that day;
Yes, 26 men died down in Westray that day.

When the government inspectors were down in the mine,
They ignored all the coal dust and the shortage of lime,
And the methane detectors that were screwed up, they say,
So 26 men died down in Westray that day.

When the rescue team went down to search in that mine,
A path of destruction was what they would find.
15 bodies was all they recovered that time.
11 are buried still down in that mine.

Some high politicians, at first they did cry,
But their greatest concern was to cover their hides,
And the rot in the system meant that no one would pay.
Our courts they did fail us so badly that way.

The bosses and owners, they walked away free,
Thumbing their noses at the inquiry,
But someday in Heaven before God's great throne
There'll be no escaping when sins are atoned.

Now you've heard my story and a sad tale I did tell,
How a mighty explosion rose up straight from Hell
And swept through a coal mine as it passed on its way,
And 26 men died down in Westray that day.
Yes, 26 men died down in Westray that day.

(c)2000 A. McLean,