The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72319   Message #1764620
Posted By: *daylia*
20-Jun-06 - 10:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Matter and Spirit
Subject: RE: BS: Matter and Spirit
I do ***NOT**** "believe there is no soul"...I doubt!

Hmmm ... this reminds me of something I found online the other day. Liked it so much I made a poster of it and hung it over my desk for inspiration. Went like this -

There are 4 ways to bless something or someone, including yourself -- to Affirm (ie I bless the beauty of this tree); to Appreciate (ie thank you for helping me); to Admire (I like your new car!) and to Anticipate (it's going to be a wonderful day!).

People who make a point of blessing the things they like and want in their lives, every day, find themselves happier, healthier, more satisfied, confident, prosperous, loving and successful human beings. In remarkably short order, too!

On the other hand, there are 4 ways to curse something or someone, including yourself -- to doubt, to blame, to criticize and to worry.

Unfortunately, most people spend their lives doubting, blaming, criticizing and worrying. People are, generally speaking, much more comfortable with and practiced at cursing than blessing. They have no idea just how powerful their own thoughts, expectations, and emotions really are! So their heads are always filled with negativity, which they empower even more by speaking it aloud and spreading it around to anyone who listens.

Then they sit back and wonder why they are unhappy, why life always seems so difficult, why nothing seems to go easily, why they never seem to have what they want, why they have so little energy and enthusiasm for life.

Just a little food for thought ...

Well, a little more "blessing" and a lot less "cursing", and just wait and see what'll happen!