The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92333   Message #1765434
Posted By: GUEST,UJ (1 More Time...)
21-Jun-06 - 08:10 AM
Thread Name: Songs about 'crossing over'
Subject: RE: 'crossing over' to Beulah Land...
It's been mentioned on this thread and we've discussed it multi-times here over the years, but an old tradition in the mid to later 19th Century was to have the Family gather around the bed of the departing Loved one, and "Sing them Home".

...As I did about 3 1/2 years ago as my Mother lay dying.

   And the song I sang her Home to was this old standby;

"The Land of Beulah" (Angel Band)

(The chord notations are mine, probably don't match the score key, and your milage may vary. I use sort of a waltz time finger-pick style with it.)