The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92458   Message #1767003
Posted By: Kaleea
22-Jun-06 - 07:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: WARNING!!!!
Subject: RE: BS: WARNING!!!!
Yes, all the humans must leave immediately, except for those who do not pollute, live completely at one with nature, living in structures they make with what is available & only taking what they need for mere survival with absolutely no tools or weapons except those made by hand with what is available locally . . .

   wait! does this mean I can't use my blow dryer?!! & what about my guitar & piano & flutes recorders & whistles (can't leave behind my polymerplasticy one cause it's the best in tune & can stand up to the loudest sessions) & dulcimers & zither & laud & harmonicas & harp & autoharp & fiddle & ukuleles & all the other stuff & all the extra steel strings for everything, & how will I plug in my PA & . . .

   might as well shoot me now.