The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92384   Message #1767206
Posted By: Jim Dixon
23-Jun-06 - 12:16 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Golden Cradle / The Fairy Nurse
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Golden Cradle - original lyrics
The song can be found deep in this thread: Mudcat Campfire, where it is called THE FAIRY NURSE and attributed to Edward Walsh.

I don't know how this compares to Emmylou Harris' version, though.
Thread #12472   Message #170138
Posted By: Big Mick
23-Jul-99 - 09:46 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Campfire
Subject: Lyr Add: THE FAIRY NURSE (Edward Walsh)
Oh, hi Alice, how are you? Mind if The Fair One and I have a seat? What? Oh, I have some catching up to do, eh? Well a couple things come to mind. Seeing this setting, and with this wee woman, reminds me of a poem by Yeats, the refrain goes:

Come away! O, human child!
To the woods and waters wild,
With a fairy hand in hand,
For the world's more full of weeping than you can understand

Kind of makes me feel like your mountain and woods are a refuge from the madness. Huh? Another? Damn, you know I have been sipping the dark stuff in the tavern. How about "THE FAIRY NURSE" by Edward Walsh?

Sweet babe! a golden cradle holds thee,
And soft the snow-white fleece enfolds thee;
In an airy bower I'll watch thy sleeping,
Where branchy trees to the breeze are sweeping
Shuheen sho, lulo lo!

When mothers languish broken-hearted,
When young wives are from husbands parted,
Ah! little think the keeners lonely,
They weep some time-worn fairy only.
Shuheen sho, lulo lo!

Within our magic halls of brightness,
Trips many a foot of snowy whiteness;
Stolen maidens, queens of fairy,
And kings and chiefs a sluagh-shee airy,
Shuheen sho, lulo lo!

Rest thee, babe! I love thee dearly,
And as thy mortal mother nearly;
Ours is the swiftest steed and proudest,
That moves where the tramp of the host is loudest.
Shuheen sho, lulo lo!

Rest thee, babe! for soon thy slumbers
Shall flee at the magic Ceól-sidhe's numbers;
In airy bower I'll watch sleeping,
Where branchy trees to the breeze are sweeping.
Shuheen sho, lulo lo!

There ya go...huh, a song? Rick, hand me that Guild 12...Hey, did you swipe Rib's 12? How do I know it's not mine? Cause I locked mine in the closet at the Tavern...hahahahaha...Old Rib is going to be upset. Here ya go...I will sing "Dublin in the Rare Aul Times" for ya. Sounds great around the fire...but then its into the creek to clean up, cause I am going to have to get to work.

Raised on songs and stoooories, Heroes of renown,
The passing tales and glories, that once were Dublin town...."