The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17789   Message #176797
Posted By: Amos
11-Feb-00 - 03:26 PM
Thread Name: current tavern number is 21
Subject: RE: current tavern number is 21
A paunchy balding business man in an inappropriate trenchcoat wanders through the open door.
"Excuse me," he says to the room at large, "but is there some monstrous hack emanating from here? If there is, I want apiece of that action right now, and I'm ready to provide up to three million intialy and 25 for second tier financing if they have what I think I just saw crashing portals all over the 'Net! They were folding up like offended maidens all over cyberspace!"

He walks anxiously over to the table where an entranced Mbo is listening to a dour eccentric engineer with a strange electronic box in front of him.

"Is that yours? What is it?!! How does it work??", he demands, waving a pigskin checkbook in one hand. I'll give you 10% of the founder's shares if you'll bring it up to my office and sign some papers..."

Mbo sighs melancholically, but the eccentric engineer with the gift of gab stands up slowly, a glint in his eye.

"Sit down," he says, waving his hand to a chair. "Mind the jello pit. We should talk. Don't mind my friend here -- the world is with him overmuch tonight."