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Thread #92525   Message #1769089
Posted By: SharonA
25-Jun-06 - 10:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Inflammatory Breast Cancer
Subject: BS: Inflammatory Breast Cancer
No tittering, guys (pun intended); this is serious. Just received an email from a friend with this link to a video report, and thought I'd pass it on to the Forum:

Anybody ever hear of "Inflammatory Breast Cancer" before? I had not. According to the linked video, neither have a lot of other people! Apparently, annual X-rays and self-exams aren't enough; there are other symptoms besides lumps to watch out for. According to the Mayo Clinic site (, these are:

- A breast that appears red, purple, pink or bruised
- A tender, firm and enlarged breast
- A warm feeling in the breast
- Itching of the breast
- Pain
- Ridged or dimpled skin texture, similar to an orange peel
- Thickened areas of skin
- Enlarged lymph nodes under the arm, above the collarbone or below the collarbone
- Flattening or retraction of the nipple
- Swollen or crusted skin on the nipple
- Change in color of the skin around the nipple (areola)

Amazingly, the Susan G. Komen breast-cancer website isn't very helpful about this subject (even though, in the video report linked above, it is claimed that the site would be updated to include more info): their downloadable PDF didn't download, and there's no text article that gives an overview such as the Mayo site has. Moreover, the Komen site's search results for "inflammatory breast cancer" include an article about "Benign Breast Changes", and that reference to "benign" is terribly misleading and could be dangerous if someone sees that and assumes she (or he!) doesn't need to read further.