The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92525   Message #1769543
Posted By: SharonA
26-Jun-06 - 03:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Inflammatory Breast Cancer
Subject: RE: BS: Inflammatory Breast Cancer
I wish you the best, GUEST. Hope it turns out to be nothing serious. But if your second mammogram is inconclusive, be assertive and insistent about finding out what exactly is the cause of your discomfort. If the doctors are scratching their heads and shrugging their shoulders, find a knowledgable specialist.

If you have access to a university hospital or other research hospital, you're likely to have better luck than with a smaller local facility. (I have certainly found that to be true with my own condition -- sarcoidosis, which the docs thought might be lung cancer at first because the nodules looked similar to cancer cells to the less-trained eye -- and my university-hospital pulmonologist wrote about my unusual case for a medical journal!)

Good luck, and keep us posted. You too, Worried Bloke.