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Thread #81771   Message #1769923
Posted By: Teribus
27-Jun-06 - 12:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: say Bush lied?
Subject: RE: BS: say Bush lied?
"Saddam did use WMD against Irananian human wave attacks during the Iran/Iraq War."

which he received compliments of the first Bush Adminstration."

Wrong Frank, Saddam received no Chemical or Biological weapons from the first Bush Administration or any other. Dual use equipment or material was sent to Iraq, how it was ultimately used was outwith the control of those sending it, but weapons were not sent - NATO has not had any Chemical or Biological Weapons in it's inventory since the mid-1950's (Fifty Years ago Frank - so if the weapons found in Iraq were all totally degraded having been manufactured prior to 1991 what does that mean for any NATO had that predated 1956?)

Because of the actions and attitude of the Iraqi Government under Saddam Hussein in the period 1991 to 1998. In 2002 the world and it's dog totally believed that Iraq possessed WMD, totally believed that the programmes required to further develop and manufacture them were in existance. These widely held beliefs were based upon assessments and reports from IAEA and UNSCOM not on any "lie" told by Bush or by Blair.