The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15998   Message #177069
Posted By: wysiwyg
12-Feb-00 - 07:43 AM
Thread Name: Today in Ireland's History
Subject: RE: Today in Irelands History
I'm thinking "Spanish is the loving tongue, mi Amor, mi Corazon..."

Why am I thinking that. Today in Spain's history might be equally hard to think about.

It's because I'm so grateful that our folk tradition adds ways of finding being peacable that can be hard to find when we look only to one side of anything... that if one looks up McGrath's various recent postings, for instance, there's a richness of caring and reflection that looks at all of life, not just the content of this thread. Because I know that, I care what he says in this thread and can "hear" him. We all have that precious gift, to be able to step back from anything that's hard to think about within its own paradigm and instead look at it from an entirely new perspective. In fact even if we forget to do that intentionally, some song that helps us do it is liable to pop into our heads, like just did to mine.

Example-- feeling really bad one day, really nasty and under outside attack, negative and lost, in pops: "In moments like this, I sing out a song, I sing out a love song...." A song that had been written to express love in a tender, loving moment-- now coming to pull me out of a funk.

Today in Ireland's history... people are still people.