The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81771   Message #1770873
Posted By: Arne
28-Jun-06 - 02:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: say Bush lied?
Subject: RE: BS: say Bush lied?

"380 SA-2 missile engines"

"[F]ollowing a visit of IAEA to a scrapyard in Rotterdam to investigate increased radiation readings, it was discovered, through photographs taken at the time, that engines of SA-2 surface-to-air missiles were among the scrap. They are of a type of engines used in the Al Samoud 2 proscribed missile program."

The Al-Samoud were of debatable illegitimacy (but Saddam agreed to scrap them, so as to avoid giving Dubya even the slightest excuse to go in with guns blazing, which he did, with cameras rolling). But these engines were in scrap in Rotterdam (that hot-bed of Terra-ism). Whoopdedoo. I'd also note that selling of scrap is something that the U.S., as an occupation force, should have taken responsibility for (if it was even anything of concern ... unlike, say, the looting of the many weapons depots in the aftermath of the invasion).

As for the WoMD, Duelfer already reported this. Pre-GWI weapons, degraded and useless.

But BeardedBruce is pushing the same ol' maladministration crapola (this time propagated by proxies, so that when the truth comes out, the maladministration can say "weeeee didn't say that!.....")
