The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92541   Message #1770876
Posted By: JohnInKansas
28-Jun-06 - 02:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Not Tonight Dear, I have a
Subject: RE: BS: Not Tonight Dear, I have a
I note:

guys have barely enough blood to keep their brains working at the best of times

Isn't that what Viagra does? Redirects the blood to their brains?

I assumed that was what was meant. Nice double-er.

Often told as a description of "American Sex" a few decades ago:

He: "I'm sorry."
She: "What?"
He: "I didn't mean to hurt you."
She: "You didn't hurt me."
He: "Well, ... (puzzled)... you moved...(?)"

A problem with the original report is in saying "sex" when they meant "orgasm," and then using the same term "sex" for the other parts of the activities associated with physical sharing.

Given the circulatory involvement in the entire "sex act," it would seem that some might find relief in arrousal since it supposedly diverts some circulation away from the headache affected area. For some, perhaps, the "climax" when circulation is released back to the whole system might be helpful. There are, or can be, many stages to the process, and they often operate in opposing ways. The response is likely to be quite individual. For nearly everyone, some things feel better than others.

If one suspects, as one should, when a partner's enjoyment of mutual play is affected by a transient condition, it's certainly necessary to adjust the kind, amount, and expected high points (and low points) of what should occur on that occasion. Knowing one's partner, and how to please, is essential, and is the best part of "sex." Some people just don't study well. Some people also can be difficult subjects.

Congratulations to those who share a partnership where it works.

Condolences to anyone afflicted with a partner who is "less than understanding," (especially if it's for selfish reasons, although ineptitude also counts).
