The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92595   Message #1771465
Posted By: Les from Hull
28-Jun-06 - 06:04 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req/ADD: McGinty's Meal and Ale (Thompson/Kemp
Got it by putting and instead of an'!

Words by George Bruce Thomson; Music by Willie Kemp

1. This is nae a sang o' love na', nor yet a sang o' money,
Faith it's naethin' verra peetifu', it's naethin' verra funny;
But there's hielan' Scotch, Lowland Scotch, Butter Scotch an' honey,
If there's nane o' them for a' there's a mixture o' the three.
An' there's nae a word o' beef, brose, sowens, sauty bannocks na'
Nor pancakes, paes eggs for them wi' dainty stammicks;
But it's a' aboot a meal and ale that happened at Balmannocks,
McGinty's meal and ale, whaur the pig ga'ed on the spree.

CHORUS: They were howlin# in the kitchen like a caravan o' Tinkies, aye,
And some were playin' ping-pong, and tiddely widdely winkies;
For up the howe and doon the howe ye niver saw such jinkies,
As McGinty's meal and ale, whaur the pig ga'ed on the spree.

2. Noo McGinty's pig had broken lowse, an wannert tae the lobby,
Whaur he opened shived the pantry door, an' cam' upon the toddy;
And he took kindly tae the stuff like ony human boddy,
At McGinty's meal and ale, whaur the pig ga'ed on the spree.
Miss McGinty she ran, but the hoose th'wey was dark an' crookit,
She ga'ed heelster gowdie ower the pig, for it she never lookit;
And she lat oot a skirl was hae paralysed a teuchit,
At McGinty's meal and ale, whaur the pig ga'ed on the spree.


3. Johnnie Murphy he ran efter her, and ower the pig was leapin'
Whan he trampit on an ashet that was sittin' fu' o' dreepin'
An' he fell doon and peel't his croon, an' quidna' haud frae greetin'
At McGinty's meal and ale, whaur the pig ga'ed on the spree.
And the pantry shelf cam' ricklin' doon and he was lyin' kirnin'
Amang saft soap, pease meal, corn flour and yirnin'
Like a gollach amang trickle but McGinty's wife was girnin'
At McGinty's meal and ale, whaur the pig ga'ed on the spree.


4. Sybe they a' ran skirlin' tae the door but fan' that it was tuggit,
For aye it held the feester, aye the mair they ruggit;
Till McGinty roared tae bring an axe, he wadna' be humbuggit,
Na' nor lockit in his ain hoose, and that he'd lat them see.
Sae the wife cam' trailin' wi' an axe, an' through the bar was hacket,
And open flew the door at aince, sae ticht as they were packet,
And a' the crew cam rummlin' oot like tatties frae a backet,
At McGinty's meal and ale, whaur the pig ga'ed on the spree.


5. They had spurtles, they had tattie chappers, faith they werena' jokin'
And they swore they'd gar the pig claw whaur he was never yokin'
But by this time the lad was fou' and didna' care a dockin'
At McGinty's meal and ale, whaur the pig ga'ed on the spree.
Oh! there's eelie pigs an' jeelie pigs, an' pigs for haudin' butter,
Aye but this pig was greetin' fou' and rowin' in the gutter,
Till McGinty and his foreman trailed him oot upon a shutter,
Frae McGinty's meal and ale, whaur the pig ga'ed on the spree.


6. Miss McGinty took the thing tae heart, an' hidit in her closet,
An' they rubbit Johnnie Murphy's head wi' turpentine an' rost;
Syne they harl't him wi' meal and ale, ye really was supposit
He has sleepit in a mason's trough and risen tae the spree.
Oh! weary on the barley bree, an' weary fa' the weather,
For it's keetcherin' 'mang dubs an' drink, they gangna' weel thegither;
But there's little doot McGinty's pig is wishin' for anither
O' McGinty's meal and ale, whaur the pig ga'ed on the spree.