The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92621   Message #1772260
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish
29-Jun-06 - 05:13 PM
Thread Name: The Wisdom of Yusuf Islam/Cat Stevens
Subject: The Wisdom of Yusuf Islam/Cat Stevens
I've brought a thread of mine over from the Radio 2 board...hope this is OK:

I have always loved the music of Yusuf Islam. Many of his songs are as relevant today, for my children in their world, as they were for my generation way back when.

This gentle, wise man who withdrew from the music world so long ago, at the height of his fame, is now back with us all! He has a new CD due to be released shortly, no name as yet though. I can't wait to hear what he has to say in his new songs.

Here is his official website:

I recently watched the Alan Yentob interview that he did with Yusuf, wonderful! You can watch it on the link below, or if it is not allowed by the Mods, just google 'Alan Yentob Yusuf Islam Interview' and you will find it easily. I very much hope the Mods will allow this link to stay, as Yusuf and Alan have important things to say that should be heard:

Yusuf Islam and Alan Yentob interivew:

I've always felt that Yusuf has an important part to play in the future peace of this world, a wise and peace-loving man. A man of great intelligence and who cares deeply about all people, as you will see in the interview. I hope that we in this country give him the acknowledgement and respect he so deserves for many reasons, apart from his music.

He tells Alan Yentob that he doesn't wish to become involved in politics because he feels that his message is in his songs. I agree with his view on that totally...and I very much hope that the BBC will be playing Yusuf Islam on every one of their programmes during the day when his new CD is released.

It was Phil Ochs who said:

"One good song with a message can bring a point more deeply to more people than a thousand rallies."

Where Do The Children Play
Wild World
Ruby Love
Old School Yard
Sad Lisa
Father And Son
Oh Very Young

So many great songs....and the one I love best of all....PEACE TRAIN:

Yusuf Islam and Alan Yentob interivew:

So...what are you memories of Cat?

And your hopes for Yusuf?

Lizzie :0)