The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18001   Message #177240
Posted By: Eric the Viking
12-Feb-00 - 03:37 PM
Thread Name: Your Woodstock Memories?
Subject: RE: Your Woodstock Memories?
We didn't have Woodstock, but we had the Isle of Wright, Sad Dylan in 69 and Hendrix in 70. We also had that "time" and to tell the truth I don't htink I ever got over it. I still have my hair very long- a symbol of my personal freedom to be who I want. We have had successive governments that have eroded our rights time and time again- we have proberbly the most highly taxed (direct+ indirect taxes)in Europe. We have the criminal justice act. About as right wing a piece of legislation could be. The most centalising governments with the most control over the population, where the police can close down roads and whole areas when and where they like-try being a biker down at Boxhill,or some other places. We are watched at every angle all over town and cities. I never got over the hope and expectation that things would change for the better and that authority isn't always right, but just might. I still believe that personal freedom is a persons right and that government and local councils exist to serve us not control us. We had "Maggie and her cronies" We then had John Major standing up at his party conference and giving open invite to the police and local authorities to harrass and destroy travellers."New age travellers, no way, not in my day" Sig Heil-just about! We have Peter Mendleson!! And Tony Blair etc Those were glory days my friends, our lives changed, but the world didn't! It's sad. Cheers Eric. ps We also have the police and other agencies reading e-mails and probably this site. The Music was good and it influenced many of us.