The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87878   Message #1772682
Posted By: Roger the Skiffler
30-Jun-06 - 08:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: First Joke thread for 2006
Subject: RE: BS: First Joke thread for 2006
A teacher walked into the class and said, "Today children we are going to do some maths problems. Tell me, Billy, if three birds are on the fence and you shoot one of them, how many would be left?"

Billy replied, "None. The shot bird would fall to the ground and the other two birds would be frightened away by the noise".

The teacher said, "The actual answer is two, but I like the way you are thinking."

"Let me ask you a question," said Billy. "Three women are eating a lollipop. One is licking it, one is crunching it and one is sucking it. Which of the three women is married?"

"I am not sure, Billy. I'll say the one who is sucking it," said the teacher.

"No", said Billy, "the correct answer is the one that is wearing a wedding ring, but I like the way you are thinking!"