The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92621   Message #1772887
Posted By: Folk Form # 1
30-Jun-06 - 01:50 PM
Thread Name: The Wisdom of Yusuf Islam/Cat Stevens
Subject: RE: The Wisdom of Yusuf Islam/Cat Stevens
Oh dear, I do seem to have offended people, don't I? Well, first of all, the press did not misrepresent him as you can tell by his feeble defence of his actions. He did support the fatwah against Rushdie. He had plenty of time in that documentary to defend Rushdie's right to speak his mind without fear and to condemn the fatwah without equivocation. He did neither.

I cannot understand why everyone talks about Stevens being a man of peace. His commitment is to Islam, which is not the same thing. Someone compared him to JFK- "a man of peace." Ha! JFK got into office as a hawk, helped escalate the arms race, tried to assassinate Castro, and declared war on Vietnam, which had done nothing against the USA at all. All in all, a good comparison.

Why does Little hawk think that others and I are jealous of him? Where is his evidence? Maybe we simply strongly disagree with him and are saying so.

Incidentally, I have noticed that none of my criticism of Islam has being addressed, which is telling in itself. By the way, I am not full of bile, just anger-anger at the way Muslims often behave, and Cat Stevens especially.