The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92583   Message #1773214
Posted By: Ref
30-Jun-06 - 09:46 PM
Thread Name: Community choirs and folk
Subject: RE: Community choirs and folk
Guest Leeneia, I think you've hit my biggest peeve on folk choirs, which is that folk music is rarely intended or appropriate for large groups. It's usually (Animaterra DOES do the fairly large group thing well) best done by small groups with a few traditional instruments. One of the least pleasing recordings I ever heard was The Weavers backed by a symphony. I'd love to be able to get my chamber chorus, or part of it, to do some real folk music, if arrangements were available. Unfortunately, most choral arrangements of folk music sound like elevator music or they're "cutesied" up beyond recognition. I have to satisfy my harmony jones with medieval music.