The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92329   Message #1773367
Posted By: captainbirdseye
01-Jul-06 - 06:16 AM
Thread Name: Recordings of Gypsies
Subject: RE: Recordings of Gypsies
Well. Shiver me timbers.Nic I dont see why anybody should need to have qualifications to collect songs.As regards Stradlings comments re Bill House and his age and the insinuation that he was past it,that is only his subjective opinion and may not be other peoples. I happen to think even IF it is the case it is irrelevant,much can be learned about repertoire style etc, I recaently heard a collection of Fred Kilroy playing the Anglo,The condition of the recordings were not very good and a bit out of tune,but it was still worthwhile to me to get an idea of style and repertoire,likewise a recording of Scan Tester, Icould still appreciate his wonderful playing even though his concertina was slightly out of tune. I am sure most sensible collectors would think you made the right decision.Lastly the slur on your good name about attempting to make money I find amazing,if we were all millionaires we could give recordings away free,but even Cecil Sharp had to cover the cost of his recording etc which is in fact all most of us do, in the folk world myself included, it is a labour of love. and if its any consolation there is no such thing as bad publicity                ,it is far worse to be ignored,as my c d Boxing Clever    was by a certain national folk magazine. Well done Nic and ignore Rod Stradling.DickMiles