The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92490   Message #1773404
Posted By: Tim theTwangler
01-Jul-06 - 07:37 AM
Thread Name: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Fri 30th June 06
He he I knew he was gonna say that soon as I pressed the submit button.
No you didnt say that at all V I was misrepresenting you most villainously!
If anything the booking policy at MRFC is based more on who you know and what you play. Is word of mouth and such like I think, but I am sure V will put us straight on that.
It seems to work pretty well.
As to last night!
This was another very varied and very captivating night of musicality.
The Children were great.
I enjoyed every minute of their singing and I found it fascinating to watch the conductress who had such a control(?If that sounds odd I apologise) over them coaxing,encouraging and prompting the kids(He HE up yours PC teachery types!)it was almost as if she were playing an instrument.Was very impressed and thouroughly enjoyed it.
Also well done the parents who were very well behaved and would have made any kid proud.
And so to Liam,
His aproach to the art of squeezeboxery is great.
First time I saw the man I thought oh wheezy wardrobe approaching but I was mistaken in my aprehension.
His set is well played,he does know a lot of info about the music and probably the history and the date collected and how clever the librarian /teacher or other was who "Discovered " it.
But he doesnt bore you with an in depth twenty minute lecture about it he gets on and plays it.
He also gives the impression of enjoying playing it.
Well done matey!.

Next a moment of confusion for me as I suddenly realised there was a deviation from the program because the old war horse MR John "The Voice" Blanks was warbling his way through a couple of brilliant covers.
Les soon calmed my fears that someone had not managed to make it over to our favourite venue.
John had just arrived accidently fetching his guitar and wandered absent mindedly onto the performing area without realising.LOL

Onward ro The Maid of Mansfeild herself,
Tina Turner.
The Lass has a lovely voice but as she said her mum was not there so if I may be so bold,less chatting and more of that singing please mate(NB This is always a comment that gets me in trouble witht the proper folkies he he!).
She does a great set and I enjoyed it immensly,was really impressed tat she was prepared to Miss a n evening of the Mansfeilr folk festival for our benifit and was really pleased she did.

After the break,WWW the notorious all woman group from the wilds of Lincolnshire.
It is no secret i love to hear the "girls" play they are all very tallented and there ensembe playing is just so much stronger every time I hear them(as often As possible).
They do play covers and do them very well,but all my favourites are the self penned gems they have so many of.
I could go on for ages but as I am extremely biased I had better not .
They are great musicians and great to have as mates.
PS thanks for the framed thong girls LOL.

SO to Edwina Hayes.
I was heartily sick of hearing how good Edwina is.
What a lovely lass Edwina Is ,
How pretty Edwina is etc.
I dont like to be told I will enjoy this or that performer because evryone loves them! And it tends to make me more critical in my aproach to listening.
Reputations that precede are to be treated with caution in my veiw.
Edwina smokes!
She sat in the sinbin with Jen and I for a while having a fag.
She talks like a normal,pleasant,polite and well adjusted lass and is delightful to meet.
She has nerves like we all do.
She worries about how she is gonna play and sing and look on stage. She is bloody good.
How V manages to get such obvious star materiel to come along to perform for us is beyond me.
Also I will mention Terry and Gwenda,
They are getting so good with the sound they are nearly as much of an asset for that as they are fantastic entertaining classy performers.
Thanks yet again Guys.