The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92621   Message #1773652
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish
01-Jul-06 - 03:03 PM
Thread Name: The Wisdom of Yusuf Islam/Cat Stevens
Subject: RE: The Wisdom of Yusuf Islam/Cat Stevens

Do you guys think of every single word you ever say before it comes out?????????

This is like some sort of witch hunt!!!!!!

THINK about ALL the things he has done since! Does NONE of that mean ANYTHING to you??????????

And.....he DIDN'T say what was reported IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!!!!

Ye Gods And Little Fishes!!!!! Aaaarrrggghhhhhhhhhh!!!

I mean SURELY Mother Theresa must have said something in her life that could have been misconstrued or twisted....and if THAT had been reported by some prat of a journalist, would you have judged her soley on that....and not on the whole of the rest of her life!!!!


I am now off to throw plates at the wall....and then bang my head hard against it, in total disbelief and utter frustration!!!!!!

And if *this* thread, in cyberspace, far, far away....has made *ME* feel like this....then Heavens Alone knows who poor Yusuf Islam has felt over the years!!!!


WHERE is Little Hawk? I *need* him!!!