The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92653   Message #1773970
Posted By: JohnInKansas
02-Jul-06 - 07:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: U.S. Govt creates national toll roads
Subject: RE: BS: U.S. Govt creates national toll roads
The "official story" on the 2005 enactment may be found at Federal Highway Administration SAFETEA-LU

The link to "Legislation" leads to Federal Highway Administration Legislation where one can (in principle at least) download:

1. Public Law 109-59 (as passed by Congress and signed by President)

2. Enrolled Bill (the bill as presented to the President for signature) H.R. 3

3. Conference Report (H. Rept. 109-203)

Some warnings:

All downloads from this repository (.gpo) have the same default filename. (getdoc.pdf in the case of the .pdf downloads.) You MUST change the name at the time of download, or before starting the next download, to avoid having the second or subsequent downloads overwrite the first, etc.

No indication is given at this site of the size of any of the downloads. These are large documents, so saving the .pdf to file for later reading is probably to be recommended for those who might be that interested.

PL 109-59 downloads as a 5,588 KB (approx 5.46 MB) .pdf file, and is the complete 836 page law.

The Enrolled Bill, as sent to the President for signature, is somewhat smaller, being "only" 2,139 KB (approx 2.1 MB) and 835 pages (the font is a little smaller).

The Conference report is rather large, at 21,388 KB (20.9 MB) and runs 1,231 pages. (A rather long download on dialup – especially when you don't know how much download you're waiting for.)

A summary is also available at Summary Information and is probably short enough to read online, although a 67 KB .pdf can also be downloaded. Although there's a lot of hype and buzzwords, there is some useful information in the summary, that may place what's been done in better context if one is willing to believe there are no hidden gotchas in the full act. I'll remain suspicious until I've finished reading at least.
