The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18081   Message #177458
12-Feb-00 - 11:59 PM
Thread Name: On Being a New Member of Mudcat
Subject: RE: On Being a New Member of Mudcat
I shur wish az how I cud join up but catspaw woan gimmee no permission an sinz I use his puter thang he sez it ain't rite that Max be givin cookies to thoze whut aint got gud senz.

But seeinz az ta how I bin rount heer fer a gud bit I wanna say whut a fine thang it is that chall have seen fit ta be heer too an I doan holt with them whut thingz poorly of folks cuz thair new.

So even tho I aint no member, me an Paw an the Reg boyz all wanna tell ya welcum ta the Mudcat. Catspaw sez I shud say a welcum from Cleigh O'Possum too, but I git reel tard uv thet stoopid possum makin sport uv me.