The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92696   Message #1775056
Posted By: Mr Red
03-Jul-06 - 05:42 PM
Thread Name: Stolen Caravans and Instuments
Subject: RE: Stolen Caravans and Instuments
I'm afraid the only way to deter them is to patrol the campsite and carry a few cheap cameras (with flash). You don't have to have a good picture - the flash going off will warn the miscreants. Chuck the cameras in the hedge if it looks dicy - if they stop to look for them the police might just arrive in time to help them look.

The cameras come in handy for car accidents - carrying the camera is a cheap form of insurance.

I did this at Redditch one year when youths seemed hell bent on talking their way in to THEIR community centre with all the indoor camping gear. Only the girl seemed to sidle off to the side when I playfully offered to take their photos - she had sussed my bon homie was a little more than friendly. The three lads were too - well lets just say - too Redditch.