The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92716   Message #1775229
Posted By: early
03-Jul-06 - 11:36 PM
Thread Name: new CD to be sold for charity
Subject: new CD to be sold for charity
Hi, I have recently completed my first CD. It comprises ten of my songs written over the last fifteen years.
Accompnying me on the CD are :- fellow band members Anne Jackson (vocals and appalachan mountain dulcimer) & Chris Rawnsley(Double bass) with guest musicians Steve Fairholme (melodeons) & John Savage (fiddle).
As many of know I have suffered with Kidney failure over the last ten years and am once again on dialysis following the failure of my transplant last year. During this time my music has become more important to me than ever. The kidney research fund are doing some excellent work and I see this as an opportunity to give something back for the wonderful treatment I have been so lucky to receive. So I have donated 100 of my CD's to the Kidney Research Fund (UK) to sell & raise money for the charity, they will sell at £10 + £1.00 Postage and Packaging
To purchase the CD visit the Kidney Research fund web site or PM myself
Thank You Mark Longster