The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90790   Message #1775326
Posted By: early
04-Jul-06 - 03:31 AM
Thread Name: whitby folk week 2006
Subject: RE: whitby folk week 2006
I also find the lack of organisation for the fringe at whitby is frustrating It's almost like no one wants anyone else to know where they are playing in case someone hijacks their session or god forbid wants to come along and play. I ran a nightly session at the jolly sailors for six years first with Iain Glover and then with Spike until Sam Smiths pulled the plug. everyone knew we were there and that they were welcome to play. We had some great times with people coming back year after year and becoming friends along with guest spots from passing stars if they popped in to see what all the fuss was about,great times fondly remembered I just wish that the people involved in running Whitby Folk Week were more accomodating and supportive of the fringe as opposed to the derision that greats anyone who doesn;t buy a season ticket