The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92696   Message #1775328
Posted By: pavane
04-Jul-06 - 03:38 AM
Thread Name: Stolen Caravans and Instuments
Subject: RE: Stolen Caravans and Instuments
Mr Red - could carry TWO cameras - chuck the decoy in the hedge!

It was almost certainly 'travellers' who stole a caravan where mine was sited some years ago. It had a separate bedroom at the end - that's one thing they look for. It was actually seen disappearing down the road, but was long gone when police arrived.

They also broke into mine by ripping open the door from the bottom. Stole almost nothing, just a few items of clothing, but the caravan was a write-off. I am told by repairers that this method of attack usually damages the van beyond repair, as all the joints are strained.

One tip - stick or paint your postcode on the roof in large letters. It can then be identified from the air.