The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92719   Message #1775598
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish
04-Jul-06 - 10:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: 1 in 10 Muslims think bombers were martyrs
Subject: RE: BS: 1 in 10 Muslims think bombers were martys
It's interesting, as people have stated above, how people read into things what they want, and then use that to twist.

1 in 10 DO means *EXACTLY* the same as 9 out of 10 DON'T.

I sat there this morning watching it on the BBC Breakfast News and over and over again I heard this phrase "13% of Muslims think the 7/7 bombers are martyrs!"

My head was saying "NO!!! ***87%*** think they are NOT!!!!!

I remember the IRA bombs going off in London. I heard the one the blew up the band in Regent's Park....but NEVER, for ONE second did I ever think that all the Irish were bad, or that religion was *purely* to blame for it.

I thought about the bombers, who'd been raised on HATE! Who had years and years of other people's HATE inside them! And when I recently saw one of those bombers talking to the daughter of one of is victims and heard him say "I just didn't think, I just didn't realise..." it made me realise that if you tell people long enough and hard enough to only have hate in their hearts, then that is what will happen. have deliberately gone out of your way, imo, to once again try and stir up hatred. That is SO very, very wrong.

I'd suggest you start looking on the positive side and be thankful that 9 out of 10 muslims feel the same as you apparently do.

I'm sure though, that if you didn't have Islam to hate, you'd find something else.

Life is short my friend. Why not fill it with love and hope?

Lizzie :0)