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Thread #92719   Message #1775679
Posted By: Little Hawk
04-Jul-06 - 11:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: 1 in 10 Muslims think bombers were martyrs
Subject: RE: BS: 1 in 10 Muslims think bombers were martys
"The war is not against Islam but an attempt to control resourses and markets and that is how it should be viewed."

Absolutely correct! Religion is being cynically used as a means of emotionally manipulating people in this war. The USA used it to raise Mujahedin to fight the Russians in Afghanistan and to destabilize and eventually help break up the Soviet Union. Those same Mujahedin and their idealogical friends became the roots of the Taliban and Al Queda. Many Muslims were fooled by the same propaganda that has fooled westerners...fooled into thinking it's a religious war when it's really a war, as you say, to control resources and markets. Christianity and fear of Islam are likewise used to manipulate substantial numbers of people in the USA and other more developed countries.

Bombers are equally destructive whether they fly jets for the USA and face little chance of dying...or whether they commit suicide by strapping explosive to their bodes and blowing themselves up on buses. The resultant effect upon their victims is very similar...their victims are blown up or maimed...and their friends and families mourn and may become radicalized to join the conflict.

Religion is a red herring that has been cleverly used to manipulate populations in what is a war for strategic and very pragmatic concerns.

Does the Muslim faith lend itself to extremism more than some other faiths? appears to do so with some of its followers. No doubt about that. It does not with a many more of its followers, most of whom would rather live in peace and be left alone.

Religion itself is not the primary problem here. A ruthless campaign by western corporate interests to control oil, political jurisdictions, and commercial markets is the problem. That...and poverty itself in the more heavily affected regions.