The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15998   Message #177585
Posted By: InOBU
13-Feb-00 - 10:23 AM
Thread Name: Today in Ireland's History
Subject: RE: Today in Irelands History
Dear Dear Aine:
Thanks, I was beside myself that I could not remember her last name. I was at a comference that she was to be the keynote speaker at, when she was murdered. It was full of her dear friends, all with storries of her heroism. I understand and endorse the spirit by which Ickle Dorritt makes her suggestion, however, suspention of Democracy can never be called breathing space. Britain must have the courage to stand up to the monster it created in Loyalist terrorism, and the only way to end a condition of war is with democracy, not the jerimander kind, where the majority of the naitonalist community is forced to leave, creating a false majority among loyalists, but a real enguaging meeting of ideas - and suspention of demorcacy in the face of threats can only lead us back to that blood soaked one way trail, we all want to leave behind us.
All the best