The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92719   Message #1776336
Posted By: dianavan
05-Jul-06 - 03:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: 1 in 10 Muslims think bombers were martyrs
Subject: RE: BS: 1 in 10 Muslims think bombers were martyrs
Carol, with all due respect, I think your dictionary is racist.

"...a class or kind of people unified by community of interests, habits, or characteristics (the English race)."

Race is not synonymous with culture and there are all social classes within a culture. There is absolutely no such thing as the English race. Just because you share common values with a certain class of people does not mean you are from the same culture or from the same race. In fact, science tells us there is no such thing as race.

Race is a word that means absolutely nothing, anymore. The only time that word is used is to separate and divide humanity. It is a negative, social construct.

I am surprised that you would use a definition that is so obviously wrong.