The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92719   Message #1776860
Posted By: CarolC
05-Jul-06 - 02:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: 1 in 10 Muslims think bombers were martyrs
Subject: RE: BS: 1 in 10 Muslims think bombers were martyrs
No, I don't think you are wrong to be appalled by those numbers. But I do think that where you are wrong is in the conclusions you are drawing from those numbers.

Instead of being appalled that 13 percent of Muslims in the UK are so upset with Western governments because of the wholesale slaughter of Muslims by those governments, and the unending support those governments are giving to some of the most repressive and cruel regimes in the world, that they see tactics like suicide bombing as the only viable way to bring an end to this wholesale slaughter and loss of liberty, you appear to be appalled that these people are responding with the only tools available to them.

Why do you consider the lives and liberty of non-Muslim Westerners to have more value than the lives and liberty of the Muslims in the parts of the world where the Western governments are interfering and causing such wholesale loss of life and liberty?