The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92719   Message #1776864
Posted By: dianavan
05-Jul-06 - 02:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: 1 in 10 Muslims think bombers were martyrs
Subject: RE: BS: 1 in 10 Muslims think bombers were martyrs
Warning - thread drift.

"you are implying that if race means nothing, that racism means nothing."

I am implying no such thing. Racism certainly does exist but it does not mean that the word 'race' (or its derivatives), is a word I would use. As soon as that word is used (in whatever context) it gives credibility to the concept.

Of course discrimination, stereotyping and prejudice exist. We are taught to discriminate at a very early age. Stereotyping and prejudice, however, are negative and devisive. Why not use the words stereotype and prejudice instead of labelling someone or something as 'racist'.

If, however, I were Afro-American, I might be tempted to use the term to describe a person who had stereotyped me or acted against me in a prejudicial manner. I think, however, in an attempt to erradicate 'racism' against me and my people, I would try to rise above using the same tool that was used against me. I would not claim racism but would be more specific and use the term to describe the behaviour of the person as stereotyping or prejudicial.

Like I said, as soon as the word is used (in whatever form) we make what is essentially a false construct, a reality.

The dictionary that Carol used as a source carries this negative concept one step further to describe a certain 'class' of people as belonging to a certain race, "...a class or kind of people unified by community of interests, habits, or characteristics." I'd say thats a pretty broad definition.

Does that mean that everyone who has an income of $300,000.00 and has season tickets to the opera belong to a specific race? Seems to me that many groups of people have common interests, characteristics and habits. That doesn't make them a specific 'race'. The "English race" is a particularly bad example. Its actually laughable. There is absolutely no such thing. Time to get a new dictionary.

I've argued this point before and don't expect many converts so you can use whatever language you want. Just remember that your language is a method of telling people who you are. I have dropped the term from my language as I do not wish to perpetuate the myth or to indicate to others that I believe there are separate races.

Muslims are not a race, they are members of the same religion. Religion is a small part of a culture. Culture includes religion, language and a set of common beliefs handed down from generation to generation. I can, however, be a non-Muslim living in the middle east and still share the same language and beliefs. I don't have to be Muslim to live in the Middle East, speak Farsi and believe the Yankees should go home.