The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92719   Message #1777171
Posted By: Little Hawk
05-Jul-06 - 07:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: 1 in 10 Muslims think bombers were martyrs
Subject: RE: BS: 1 in 10 Muslims think bombers were martyrs
Uh-huh. Right. Yadda yadda. ;-)

Look, I know what the real problem is here. It's a *specialness* gap, that's what it is! Some people feel that other people's suffering is given more specialness than theirs is, and they are so right...because some people in this world get *special* words to describe their suffering under prejudice, while other people don't!

And that's not fair!

For example: When women are discriminated against for being female, they get to call it "sexism". That's a special word. Men might get to be discriminated against for being men sometimes too...but they don't have a special word for that. You can't call it sexism. You can't call it anything really. That's unfair.

Another example: When most people get discriminated against on the basis of race they get to call it racism...but one group, the Jews, get a special word all their own to call it: anti-semitism.

Only the Jews get their own super-special word for racism directed against them. Unfair!

No wonder the Muslims are upset.

Here's what we need to do: We need a new word, pronto. A special word. We need a special word that covers all situations where people are abusive toward Muslims, Arabs, Palestinians, all the people who follow Islam or come from an Islamic culture or group.


I propose: *** Anti-Islamism *** and its accompanying adjective *** Anti-Islamic ***

If these special words are made available to Muslims everywhere so they can defend their dignity and their right to live the same way Jews have been doing for a long time now, then this unfair specialness gap will be eliminated at last.

Let's do it! Henceforth, any unfair or abusive attack upon Muslims will be termed "Anti-Islamism" and the Anti-Islamic bastards responsible for it will be hounded and condemned and hounded AGAIN, just like people accused of Anti-Semitism are hounded...until they don't dare open their big mouths on the subject EVER again!!!!!!

Heh! End of story.

p.s.   (Anyone who reads the entirety of the above proposition and fails to grasp the satirical and ironic intentions behind it, and completely misses what I am trying to say, is probably a "complete and utter tosser" a dunderhead and a prat...and they can stew in their own juice as far as I'm concerned.)