The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92719   Message #1777221
Posted By: dianavan
05-Jul-06 - 09:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: 1 in 10 Muslims think bombers were martyrs
Subject: RE: BS: 1 in 10 Muslims think bombers were martyrs
pdq - I came up with that 'twaddle' from Carol's dictionary although I now realize it was probably not referring to humans. I disagree with your statement, "Still, a person's 'race' is entirely controlled by genetic makeup. Period." That's the point, pdq. We all have a common mother and scientifically speaking there are no races.

I also agree with LH when he says anti-Islamic would be a better term to refer to discrimination against Muslims. Muslims come in all colours, shapes and sizes and are dispersed throughout the World. They are not a specific group of people except that they share a common religion. They don't even share a common language. You can't use the term racism to explain the discrimination that exists against them. If so, we would be describing Protestants and Catholics as a race. Thats ridiculous.

LH is also right when he says that those that discrimate against Jews are not racists, they are anti-semites. Men who discriminate against women are sexists but women can also be sexists.

My question is this: If a person is discriminated against because they are 'poor', is there a term to describe those who engage in "poor bashing"? For that matter, what do you call "gay bashers"? According to many of you, they should also be called racists.

My definition of a racist is this: An ignorant human being that believes the White 'race' is superior to all others. Heil Hitler! To continue the use of the word without any scientific proof of 'races' is to perpetuate the big lie.