The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92743   Message #1777288
Posted By: Tannywheeler
06-Jul-06 - 12:32 AM
Thread Name: Obit: My Dear Wife
Subject: RE: Obit: My Dear Wife
It's never a good time for someone we love to die. It's awful. The likelihood is you will survive and rebuild your life. You seem to have good friends who will stand with you as you plow through the awfulness. To a certain extent it will help to know that they WANT to help, but the most anyone can do is hold the kleenex. But the friends/family geographically close to you should be warned to watch for signs of shock. That can occur at any moment after the loss for several years. It can take several forms. Ask for help to protect yourself, friends to keep their eye on you, sort of. Eat regularly and well, get enough sleep, do some regular excercise. God bless. Tw