The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92696 Message #1781625
Posted By: GUEST,Clive Thorne
12-Jul-06 - 05:17 AM
Thread Name: Stolen Caravans and Instuments
Subject: RE: Stolen Caravans and Instuments
There is some progress.
I was out with the team last night and it appears that one of the caravans has been recovered and is now back with its rightful owner (one of Rutland Morris Men). Also I believe the police have arrested someone, though whether for the theft or for 'receiving' is not clear. Let's hope that this leads to further recoveries.
I'm sure you will all be shocked, as I was of course, to learn that the caravan was found on a 'Travellers' site.
Clive Thorne. A member of (not an official representative of) Rose & Castle.