The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92921   Message #1781718
Posted By: JohnInKansas
12-Jul-06 - 07:56 AM
Thread Name: Tech: Membership and how to log on
Subject: RE: Tech: Membership and how to log on
As several have said, with details:

1. If you click on "Membership" on the top header, you can log in and/or make some changes to most everything related to your membership.

2. If you click the "windowshade" by the "GO" button, there is a "Log In" choice there. The choices are a little simpler if you only want to quickly log in (or out). For some unknown reason, the choices are in random order, but the Log In is near the top.

3. When you log in, you get a mudcat "cookie." If the cookie remains on your machine, you'll automatically be logged in the next time you come back to the site.

3a. With recent security updates, and/or if you have a "popup/cookie blocker," you may have to tell your browser to accept the cookie. Depending on your browser, blocker(s), and how you tell them it's okay, you may get a "permanent" cookie, or a temporary one that disappears when you close the browser. If you want a "permanent cookie" and have trouble making one "stick," you can come back and ask for help, or enjoy the thrill of searching for several previous threads full of inscrutible opinions about what to do.

But Welcome to Mudcat.
