The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18081   Message #178292
Posted By: Crowhugger
14-Feb-00 - 05:39 PM
Thread Name: On Being a New Member of Mudcat
Subject: RE: On Being a New Member of Mudcat
Ah, SP returns a son amour. Et bien, a tout a l'heure je retournerai aux miens. Mes instruments, ma (mon?) voix inclus, m'attendent.

Ici sont les paroles - "Old Grand-mere"

Un,deux, trois, encore un' fois
You meet the most interesting quebecois
On the road to old Grand-mere.

I took a trip to Old Grand-mer'
By way of visitation.
I borrowed a horse and a vieux calech'
As a means of transportation.

Un deux trois...

I met a farmer on the road,
I asked him for directions
He said, "One minute, I will ask my horse,
He knows very well the section.

Un deux trois...

Met a joli' marchand' as sweet and fresh
As the legum' she was selling.
She had two cheeks like ripe tomat'
And a figure like watermelon.

Un deux trois...

I met a charming 'damoiselle'
And asked her if she'd be willing.
She said, "Fatons, mon pauvre fou!
I've a husband and fourteen children."

Un deux trois...

Met a vieux bonhomm' on the promenad'
I saw he was wearing his manteau.
I said, Mon dieu, you've got cold blood.
You must come from Toronto!

Un deux trois...

There might be another verse. It brings LOL wherever people love to hate Quebec politicians or Toronto. Ou les deux! I've tried to use italics for French and proper line breaks. We'll see, eh? J'suis pleine de l'espoir


eng fr

Un deux trois...

eng fr eng
eng fr eng.
eng fr

Un deux trois...