The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88695   Message #1783055
Posted By: Bobert
13-Jul-06 - 09:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Smoking Gun: Dick Cheney 'Twas
Subject: RE: BS: The Smoking Gun: Dick Cheney 'Twas
Yep, it was on NBC news tonight...


This is gonna really open up the can or worms...

Look out, Karl... You're still on the firin' range... Literally...

But, fir those of you who think this is going to get a trial date before the '06 elections... This is going to be years of "discovery" an' I wouldn't be a bit surprised to even see it settled in, ohhhh, '09 or so....

And will the judgement even get collected???

Think O.J. Simpson here... The super rich don't have to pay for their crimes... But they can go out and preach stuff like "personal responsibility" about some poor welfare mom who has been caught collecting an extra $57 bucks a month for a kid that doesn't live with her anymore...

Personal responsibility, my butt...

Robert Novak has now fingered Rove as one of the 3 sources of the Plame outing yet, if I have this right, since Rove told Fitzgerald that he indeed outted her, that now Rove is like some friggin' Eagle Scout for telling the truth...

Hey, folks, Rove outted Plame... He admits it... Bush said he would fire anyone who was found to be part of the outin'...

Where's Donald Trump when you need him???
