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Thread #88695   Message #1783063
Posted By: JohnInKansas
13-Jul-06 - 09:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Smoking Gun: Dick Cheney 'Twas
Subject: RE: BS: The Smoking Gun: Dick Cheney 'Twas
kat -

The same issue of Vanity Fair had a shorter article on Tony Blair that was "informative." I hadn't realized the extent to which Bush and Blair are "reading from the same book."

Blair's Big Brother Legacy, By HENRY PORTER

It's a bit "off-thread" here, but might be of interest.

Chances of any successful result of Valerie Plame's suit against Cheney et. al. are probably pretty slim. About like the GAO suit to obtain information on Cheney's "secret energy advisors" and/or the separate private suit over the same issue: The GAO was forced to drop their suit, allegedly after Repubs in Congress threatened their funding; and the private suit was dismissed (by a Bush appointed judge).
