The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18081   Message #178329
Posted By: Peter T.
14-Feb-00 - 06:49 PM
Thread Name: On Being a New Member of Mudcat
Subject: RE: On Being a New Member of Mudcat
I remain hopelessly thrilled with the Mudcat, after 4 years here. I have never known a dull day (though I would have liked one or two, heaven knows). I still find it hard to believe that there are such knowledgeable, nice people who are prepared to search like hell for information; including professional musicians who will talk about what they love, to anyone here who sincerely asks. As a scholar in other fields, I particularly admire the music discussions, which have opened whole realms of understanding to me. But it is the give-and-take of community life that really keeps me here. I can't believe that I know people in Iceland, Wyoming, Australia, Argentina, Yorkshire, Belgium well enough so that we could start our first face-to-face conversation half way through. I am constantly amazed that I can come here every day, and check into this wide world of crazy, wise people. I have only met a tiny (wonderful) fraction of the people that are here. My idea of a good time would be to wander around meeting most of the rest of them -- and, Allah willing, I will some time. It is the best.
yours, Peter T.