The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92955   Message #1783593
Posted By: GUEST
14-Jul-06 - 03:06 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Transportation of Sarah
Joe, try these:

Mundy-Turner CD "Crooked House"

In the year of 'thirty three they took away my lovely Sarah,
And sent her to a land across the sea.
Her only crime was picking up an apple from the gutter,
To give to some poor soul in an act of charity.

While I pleaded for mercy, that in her stead they take me,
But guilty was the heartless reply.
Then the last time I saw her all in pinions and in shackles,
She couldn't even wave me goodbye.

Far away, far away,
Far away–ay-ay-ay.

I took the watch my father left me to the fat pawnbroker,
And placed it in his eager, greedy hands.
The paltry sum he offered me would set a hard man weeping,
But it was just enough to lend power to my plans.

So I paid it to the Captain in return for his promise,
That my Sarah would not be compromised.
And he vowed to protect he and the child that she was bearing,
And deliver them both safe to southern skies.


Then I found the judge who sentenced her to five years transportation,
And I followed him close both night and day.
I learned his deepest secrets and the style of his corruption,
And I used it all against him in a most auspicious way.

For I discovered treason in amongst his hidden papers,
And evidence of damning degree.
Then I took my just rewards from a grateful King and country,
And I left him swinging gently in the breeze.

And now I'm on a tall ship bound directly for Australia,
As purser to the Captain and the crew.
And I'll arrive a free man and with money in my pocket,
I will buy sweet Sarah from her penal servitude.

And we will take our child and ride beyond those high blue mountains,
Where fortune may smile I've been told.
Then we'll both forget old England and her bitter persecution,
And look towards a future paved with gold.


It's nineteen ninety five and I'm reading this old diary,
From a hundred and sixty years ago.
Written by the steady, steady hand of my great-great-grandfather,
In times more uncertain than any of us know.

And I thank these southern stars for that apple in the gutter,
And the love that grew stronger than chains.
Now my daughter's in the UK checking out where it all started,
But her home will always be here on these lanes.
