The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88695   Message #1783695
Posted By: Troll
14-Jul-06 - 05:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Smoking Gun: Dick Cheney 'Twas
Subject: RE: BS: The Smoking Gun: Dick Cheney 'Twas
The real question is, was Plame engaged in any kind of covert operations at the time of the so-called "outing"? No one has yet been indicted for that. If she was, in fact engaged in some sort of covert work then the law has been broken and someone should be charged. To date, no one has been charged, nor do I expect them to be.

It is my understanding that she was outed in 1992 by Aldridge Ames (sp?) and at that time was brought back to Washington and given a desk job. I do not believe that it is CIA policy to use anyone in any sort of covert operation once their cover has been blown as it was in '92 in Plames case.

Since the CIA will not allow her exact job to be disclosed, and her case rests on the fact that she was exposed as a CIA employee, I don't see how she can prove injury to her career. She was never going to be used in covert ops again anyway - per CIA regs - so wheres the damage?

I see this as a purely political ploy, a red herring that's being used to draw attention away from something else.

Please understand that I like neither Bush nor Cheney, but it must be determined whether or not any law has been broken before anyone can be indicted.
